What is collaborative law?
- Written by Kelly Stanford
- Posted in Family Law
Collaborative law is a process whereby each client engages a lawyer and the parties work together towards a solution to their legal issues without going to court. The commitment for both parties to settle and reach an agreement separates collaboration from other ways of planning for your future after separation. Collaboration aims to reach a fair and bespoke solution whilst minimising stress and cost.
Is it right for me?
The collaborative process is suited to couples whose relationship has broken down and they want to reach an agreement as to parenting and/ or property issues without the cost, time and stress of going to Court and who want to remain friends following separation.
How can the collaborative process assist me?
Through the collaborative process, you and your former partner both engage a lawyer who is a trained collaborative professional. From here each of the parties meet with their lawyers to discuss an issues and their goals moving forward. From here, a number of four way meetings are held with each of the parties and their legal representatives. The agenda for the meetings is pre- determined by you, your former spouse and the lawyers. During the meetings the parties discuss issues, goals, and possible options for settlement. After the meetings, you and your former spouse will debrief with your lawyer, and gather and exchange any information necessary to prepare for the next meeting.
One of the benefits of the collaborative process is that it is not just collaborative lawyers who can assist you and your former spouse work through issues. It may be beneficial to invite counsellors, financial planners, accountants or divorce coaches to assist in the process and to help the parties work through issues.
During the process the parties are encouraged in an atmosphere of openness and honesty with the assistance of a range of professional to come to a settlement agreement. Not one family is the same, therefore one of the key benefits of the collaborative process is that you and your former spouse can come to a bespoke solution that suits your family dynamics moving forward.
How long does the process take?
As not one family is the same, the collaborative process will look different for each family. Usually the process is in or around 3 to 5 meetings.
How can we help?
If you have more questions on what collaborative process looks like for you and your family, please contact our office on 1300 444 529 to speak to one of our collaborative lawyers.